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What is a web 3 wallet and how does it work?

web 3 wallet
September 24, 2022

What is a web 3 wallet and how does it work?

A Web 3 wallet is a digital wallet that allows you to store, send and receive cryptocurrencies. It also allows you to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum network.

To use a Web 3 wallet, you will need to have some ETH in your account as gas fees. Once you have ETH, you can then send it to any address or dApp.

When sending ETH to an address, the wallet will automatically generate a unique address for the recipient. This ensures that your ETH is always safe and cannot be intercepted by third parties.

When interacting with dApps, the wallet will show you all the available functions and options. You can then select which function you want to perform. For example, if you want to buy a token on a decentralized exchange, you would select the “buy” function.

Web 3 wallets are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a more user-friendly way to interact with the Ethereum network. They are also much more secure than traditional online wallets, as they cannot be hacked or stolen.

How to set up a web 3 wallet for yourself?

Installing a Web 3 wallet is simple and only takes a few minutes. The most popular wallets are MetaMask and Trust Wallet.

To install MetaMask, go to and click “Get MetaMask”. Once the extension has been added to your browser, create a password and follow the instructions.

Trust Wallet can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. Once installed, open the app and create a new wallet. Again, follow the instructions and set up a strong password.

Once you have installed your chosen wallet, you will need to fund it with some ETH. This can be done by buying ETH from an exchange or by transferring ETH from another wallet

The benefits of using a web 3 wallet

There are many benefits to using a Web 3 wallet, including:

-Security: As mentioned previously, Web 3 wallets are much more secure than traditional online wallets. This is because they cannot be hacked or stolen.

-Ease of use: Web 3 wallets are very easy to use and offer a user-friendly way to interact with the Ethereum network.

-Gasless transactions: Some Web 3 wallets allow you to make “gasless” transactions. This means that you do not need to pay gas fees when sending ETH or interacting with dApps.

-Privacy: Many Web 3 wallets offer a high degree of privacy, as they do not require you to provide personal information such as your name or email address.

-Decentralized: As Web 3 wallets are decentralized, they are not subject to the same rules and regulations as traditional online wallets. This means that they can offer more features and functions.

How to use your web 3 wallet to make transactions

Making transactions with a Web 3 wallet is simple and only takes a few steps.

  1. Firstly, you will need to open your wallet and unlock it with your password.
  2. Then, you will need to select the “send” function.
  3. Enter the address of the recipient and the amount of ETH you want to send.
  4. Finally, confirm the transaction by clicking “send”. Your ETH will then be sent to the recipient instantly.

It is important to note that when sending ETH, you will need to pay a gas fee. This fee goes to the miner who processes your transaction. The amount of gas you need to pay will depend on the size of your transaction.

The security features of a web 3 wallet

Web 3 wallets offer a number of security features that make them much more secure than traditional online wallets.

-Multi-factor authentication: This is where you are required to provide two or more pieces of evidence to prove your identity. For example, you may be required to provide your password and a one-time code that has been sent to your mobile phone.

-Hierarchical deterministic: This means that each time you generate a new address, it will be derived from a parent address. This makes it impossible for someone to guess your addresses.

-Private keys: Your private key is like your password and should never be shared with anyone. Private keys are used to sign transactions and give you ownership of your ETH.

-Web 3 wallets are also much more secure than traditional online wallets, as they cannot be hacked or stolen.