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The concept of web 3 and how it differs from traditional web applications

web 3 tokens list
October 4, 2022

The concept of web 3 and how it differs from traditional web applications

Problem: You’ve probably heard of “web 3” but don’t really know what it is.

Agitate: Most people think of web 3 as just a new term for the “internet of things.” While that’s part of it, web 3 is so much more. It’s an entirely new way of thinking about the internet and how we use it.

Solution: Web 3 is all about decentralization. With traditional web applications, data is stored on centralized servers controlled by corporations or governments. This leaves our data vulnerable to attack, theft, or censorship. With web 3, data is distributed across millions of computers instead of being stored in a few central locations. This makes it much more secure and difficult to censor.

The advantages of using crypto coins for transactions on the web 3 platform

One of the main advantages of using crypto coins for transactions on the web 3 platform is security. With traditional payment methods, like credit cards, your personal information is stored by the payment processor. This makes it vulnerable to attack and theft. With crypto coins, your personal information is not stored by any third party. This makes it much more difficult for hackers to steal your information.

Another advantage of using crypto coins for transactions on the web 3 platform is privacy. With traditional payment methods, like credit cards, your personal information is shared with every merchant you visit. This can be a big problem if you don’t want your personal information being shared with every company you do business with. With crypto coins, your personal information is not shared with any merchant. This keeps your personal information private and safe from prying eyes.

List of the top three web 3 crypto coins and explain why each one is worth considering

There are three top web 3 crypto coins that you should consider. They are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Each one has different features that make it special. Bitcoin is the oldest and most famous crypto coin. Ethereum is unique because it uses smart contracts, which allow for more complex transactions. Litecoin is very fast and can process transactions quickly. All three of these coins are worth considering because they each have different advantages.

When choosing a web 3 crypto coin, you should consider what you want to use it for. If you just want to buy and hold, then any of the three coins would be a good choice. However, if you want to use it for transactions, then Ethereum or Litecoin would be better choices because of their speed and privacy features.

Overview of each coin’s features and what makes it unique


-The first and most famous crypto coin

-Very secure due to its distributed network

-Can be used for buying and holding or for transactions


-Unique because it uses smart contracts, which allow for more complex transactions

-Very fast and can process transactions quickly


-Fast and can process transactions quickly

-Good for transactions because of its privacy features

Each coin has different features that make it unique. Bitcoin is the oldest and most famous coin. Ethereum is unique because it uses smart contracts. Litecoin is very fast and can process transactions quickly. All three of these coins are worth considering because they each have different advantages.

Recommendation on which coin(s) to invest in and why

Web 3 is all about decentralization, security, and privacy. Crypto coins are a good way to transactions on the web 3 platform because they offer security and privacy advantages over traditional payment methods.


The first and most famous crypto coin offers a high level of security due to its distributed network. It can also be used for buying and holding or for transactions.


Unique because it uses smart contracts, which allow for more complex transactions than other crypto coins. Ethereum is also very fast and can process transactions quickly. Litecoin: Fast transaction processing time makes it ideal for use in online commerce as well as private peer-to-peer payments. It also has strong privacy features that make it attractive for those who wish to keep their financial dealings confidential.

I recommend investing in all three of these coins. They each have different advantages that make them appealing investments. Bitcoin is a good choice for those who want to buy and hold or use it for transactions. Ethereum is a good choice for those who want to use it for more complex transactions. Litecoin is a good choice for those who want to use it for fast transactions or for confidential transactions.